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"Buying flowers that make you gasp" -SARK

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Murphy's Law


I feel like using people's names in adressing them is really nice. It stands out to me so much. For example:

" Keighty, you are wearing shoes."

is going to sound a lot more special to me than

"You are wearing shoes."

Some people are so good at doing this. I do not really know how they do it. What is your secret?! I could only hope to be as personable. Maybe someday.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Being told I looked happy today made me even happier-kind of like singing and being around people I really like to be around and art.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Becca Jacobi Photography

Just a few of my favorites!

This one is not really focused, but for some reason, I love it! It just exudes happiness!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


"When I'm older, and in a retirement home, and forgetting everything, and making up half of what I'm saying, I give you permission to laugh at me. Because, in those situations you can either laugh or cry. And you just have to laugh." -Sarah Noreen

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Best Day Of My Life

The first time, but second time I attempted to see Keane in concert, I told my friend syd on the way in that I hoped they closed the concert with the song "Bedshaped". It's my favorite song. It's not popular. It's not fast. It's not upeat. It's not interesting.

It's just my favorite.

But I knew they wouldn't close with it.

But then they closed with it. And I wanted to cry.

Friday, April 16, 2010

This is Art.

For all of those people out there who do not understand how paint splatters and doodles are considered art.

"responding instead of contriving. Art instead of imitation." -keith Haring

talk to me

the smallest converstions can have the largest impact.